Wine Pairing Hors D’oeuvre: Kale Chips

January 12, 2024

Kale Chips are an easy healthy snack to have before dinner, perhaps with a crisp glass of wine!? All the crunchy satisfaction, and a little less guilt. (Do make sure you dry them very well before putting them in the oven otherwise they get a little soggy.) They burn quickly, so watch them carefully- four of five minutes in a hot oven does it. They’re ready when they get a little brown around the edges. Enjoy!

Shopping list:

Kale (Lacinato Kale, like above, works best- you can also cut them into smaller “chips” before cooking. Curly Kale works, too.)

Coarse Sea Salt or Kosher Salt

Extra Virgin Olive oil

Forest Feast is a food photography blog full of simple, illustrated recipes by photographer Erin Gleeson.

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One Comment

  1. Nat says:

    A crisp white Italian wine like a Falanghina or a Friulano goes great with Kale chips!

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